

4016 Uppsatser om Application service provider - Sida 1 av 268

Säkerhetsaspekterna i Application Service Provider (ASP)-lösningar

Bakgrunden till denna undersökning är den växande ASP-marknaden samt säkerhetsproblematiken som finns i en ASP-lösning.Syftet är att utreda de säkerhetsaspekter som bör beaktas vid en Application service provider (ASP)-lösning. Olika aspekter har samlats in dels från litteraturen och dels med hjälp av intervjuer. En uppdelning har gjorts med avseende på mål, hot och kontroll. De mål som först och främst behandlas är de som berör integritet, konfidentialitet och tillgänglighet. De hot som tas upp och som delvis är specifika för en ASP-lösning är ASP-företagets ekonomi och personal samt kommunikationskanalen mellan ASP-företag och ASP-kund.

Varför väljer företag/organisationer att använda en Application Service Provider (ASP)?

Outsourcing är en företeelse som, trots att den egentligen är relativt gammal, fått sitt genombrott under 1990-talet. En Application service provider (ASP) är en ny typ av företag som bygger vidare på konceptet för outsourcing. Genom att anlita en ASP kan ett företag/organisation få tillgång till applikationer utan att behöva köpa licenser eller hårdvara.Det finns flera anledningar till att ett företag/organisation väljer att använda sig av ASP. Genom att intervjua företag/organisationer som använder ASP har en undersökning gjorts om vilka anledningar, så kallade faktorer, som varit avgörande då beslutet att anlita en ASP togs. Utgångspunkten för undersökningen har varit anledningar som ASP-marknaden och dess analytiker menar är orsaker till att ASP väljs.

Bör införandet av ?application service provider?- modellen medföra förändrat fokus för företags IT-avdelningar?

Denna rapport syftar till att besvara frågan om det är nödvändigt att göra omfördelningar av befintliga IT-resurser för att erhålla största möjliga nytta med Application service provider-modellen (ASP-modellen). Rapporten besvarar även frågan om hur IT-avdelningens fokus hos en ASP-kund påverkats av det nya arbetssättet. De svar som presenteras i rapporten visar på att en omfördelning av IT-resurserna kan vara en bidragande orsak till att införandet av ASP anses lyckat. Vidare påvisar rapporten att efter att ASP införts försvinner vanligtvis en del av de tekniska arbetsuppgifterna och undersökningen som gjorts pekar mot att IT-avdelningen får ansvar för att ta fram krav för vidare samarbete med ASPn. Ansvaret yttrar sig genom att någon på företaget får ansvaret för att kontrollera om leverantören håller de servicenivåer som kontraktet fastställer.

Application Service Provider, lever modellen upp till förväntningarna?

Allt sedan datorer började användas som en resurs i företag har mindre företag sett de höga kostnaderna dessa fört med sig. I slutet av 1990-talet skapas en modell som möjliggör att hyra program från en Application service provider, ASP. Med ASP-modellen följer ett flertal förväntningar och fördelar om vad modellen kan tillföra i framförallt mindre företag. De ska till exempel till lägre kostnader få tillgång till program som kan öka deras konkurrensförmåga. Denna rapports fråga är om modellen lever upp till dessa förväntningar hos kunderna.Vid intervjuer som genomfördes med fem olika företag framkom bland annat att ASP-modellen kan möjliggöra ett minskat behov av egen IT-personal och att internt kunna ge användarsupport.

Likviditetsgaranti ur ett företagsperspektiv

The aim of this paper is to investigate the underlying motifs leading to the decision to appoint a supplemental liquidity provider and how they vary between companies. As the first study of its kind to take on an internal company perspective, the goal was to broaden the knowledge base of the field and lay ground for further studies. The study has been conducted by interviewing companies providing the service, their customers and the stock exchanges which they are traded on. The results show that there are two main motifs for appointing a liquidity provider, 1) Creating conditions for increased trade and 2) Improving the pricing of the stock. There was also a supplemental group 3) Other motifs consisting of the observations that would not fit in any of the main categories.

Utveckling av lagerhanteringsapplikation för handterminal : Development of storage management application for PDA

This exam paper has been a collaboration between the writers and System Anderson AB. The assignment was about completing a client application, running on a PDA, and a server application, running as a web service. The web service handles the communication with System Anderssons existing database. The main goal for the application is that it will be used to increase efficiency in storage management. The client application will hold functions for withdrawal, purchase, delivering and inventory.

Migration av distribuerad relationsdatabas för lagring i webbläsare

An increasing amount of companies and organizations are starting to implement the use of cloud computing in their business. This trend results in that software, which was previously sold and distributed to the customers whom then had to install the software on their own computers, now is being replaced with Software as a Service (SaaS). SaaS makes software available through the customers? browsers, which results in that the service providers only have to administer a single application. The process to migrate a distributed application to a service delivered as a SaaS lacks sufficient investigation; this paper will provide some guidelines for conducting such a pro- cess.

Vad är Cloud Computing? : En kvalitativ studie ur ett företagsperspektiv

Cloud computing is a new buzzword within the IT-industry, and introduces a whole new way of working with IT. The technique delivers web based services, which results in that the user no longer needs to install an application locally on a computer. Since the application no longer needs to run on a local entity, but in a datacenter located on a service provider, the users no longer need any specific hardware more than a computer with an internet connection. Cloud computing also offers IT-infrastructure and development environments as services, these three service types is better known as cloud services. Through the usage of different types of cloud services, the need for maintenance and hardware is significantly reduced.

På ytan av interaktionsdesign : En undersökning om hur designen på en Microsoft Surface SUR40 applikation kan förbättras för flera användare

The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze how to improve the design of a Microsoft Surface SUR40 application. The application in focus was an interactive product browser developed by the company Spree, our external client. Spree is a multi-touch software provider, established in September 2010 and they expressed a need for suggestions for how to improve this application. Our work aimed at revealing how to make the application more suitable for several users and make it easier for them to interact simultaneously on the surface. From a qualitative standpoint we have examined how 17 users experienced the application.

En applikationsinfrastruktur för massutskick av e-post

In today's society it is becoming more and more important with direct marketing. Some of the direct marketing is done through e-mail, in which companies see an easy way to advertise himself. I did this thesis work at WebDoc Systems. They have a product that creates web documents directly in your browser, also called CMS. The CMS has a module for sending mass e-mail, but this module does not function properly and WebDoc Systems customers are dissatisfied with that part of the product.

Se men inte röra - problemet med den performativa besökaren

Cloud computing is a new buzzword within the IT-industry, and introduces a whole new way of working with IT. The technique delivers web based services, which results in that the user no longer needs to install an application locally on a computer. Since the application no longer needs to run on a local entity, but in a datacenter located on a service provider, the users no longer need any specific hardware more than a computer with an internet connection. Cloud computing also offers IT-infrastructure and development environments as services, these three service types is better known as cloud services. Through the usage of different types of cloud services, the need for maintenance and hardware is significantly reduced.

LSS-handläggares uppfattning om LSS-lagstiftning och dess tillämpningSocial workers apprehension about the Support and Service for persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) and the application

The aim with this study is to see how social workers apprehend the law, support and service for persons with certain functional impairments (LSS) and the application. We interviewed six social workers in six different municipalities to get a distribution between small and big municipalities. In the study we have used a qualitative method with half structured interview questions, since we wanted to get a comprehension for the social workers apprehensions. We have used a communication theory and a role theory in the study. The result showed that the social workers consider that the LSS is important, but that there are a few difficulties in the application.

Tidsuppfattning för dövblinda

This project is about the development of a application to aid deafblind people with time understanding. The application is written in C# language and have multiple functions to alarm the user. The application can alarm deafblind persons through a combination of sounds, pictures and vibrations. This makes the application very flexible and can be used by many different groups like deaf, blind and older people. This application have been evaluated by staff from Mo Gård resurscenter..

Teknik för en flerskiktadwebbapplikation

The report analyses if some common problems can be avoided by using modern technology. As a reference system ?Fartygsrapporteringssystemet? is used. It is an n-tier web application built with modern technology at time, 2003-2004. The aim is to examine whether ASP.Net MVC, Windows Communication Foundation, Workflow Foundation and SQL Server 2005 Service Broker can be used to create an n-tier web application which also communicate with other systems and facilitate automated testing.

Kvalitetssäkring av servicelämnare för skogsbrukets arbetsmaskiner : Intervjuer och förslag till utveckling

In this study we have examined the possible quality standards and methods for applications with service workshops in the forest industry. The purpose of the methods presented here was to start the work of standarardising the maintenance service in the industry and be of use for service providers in their quality effort.The methods we used to accomplish the study were interviews and field visits together with a comprehensive literature research. Our results are presented in the form of four solution proposals: a standard based on existing SIS standards for terminology and key indicators, checklists that are filled in by mechanics with customer participation, the construction of a instructions database, and the implementation of the method 5s.We believe our suggestions can help the service providers in the four problem areas that we have identified: long term strategy, documentation, recruitment of competent technicians, and standard procedures in their operations. These improvements will be beneficial for both the service provider and the customer..

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